Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Whats new

News from the Conder house. For those of you who havent heard, we are going to be moving at the end of June. Adam has taken a senior pastor positon at the Robinson IL Free Methodist church. It is kind of a Bitter Sweet Move, We love the town and the people here but are ready for to follow Gods Calling.
Our next news is that Addison and Zion are going to be a big sister and brother again. We are expecting another little Conder the first week of December. At least I hope it is just one, but by the looks of this tummy it could be 8. Hopefully we will find out soon.


- Mighty B said...

You could get your own show!! Adam and Kim + 10!!!

- Mighty B said...

And I swear you start showing the millisecond after conception with your third. It's almost embarrassing that I'm only five months along but look about 8!! LOL

Mandy & Jeremy Hall said...

YAY!!! CONGRATS!!!!!! Can't wait to hear how many :)

Abrah said...

Hey Kim! Can you email me your email address so I can invite you to my blog. I finally made it private, but I don't have your email. Thanks! My email is